Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, as fairy tales start
Once upon a time, joyous was a heart
Once upon a time, that is all it was
Once upon a time, just a lost cause

Life itself is dependent on time
With structure, meter and rhyme
A brief moment to savor the taste
A large portion of it to waste

Once upon a time, as fairy tales start
Once upon a time, joyous was a heart
Once upon a time, that is all it was
Once upon a time, just a lost cause

Time can be an enemy or a friend
One can only hope it will come again
If time does not itself restore
What you could have will come no more

by Janet Boyd aka Bee Spit

Dali  Soft Watch

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\(o.o)/...© Janet Boyd aka Bee Spit 2000 - Present ...\(o.o)/
Painting is 'Soft Watch at the Moment of First Explosion' by Salvador Dali

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