Starting Your Web site
Welcome To
Here is some information that will answer some questions and help make starting your site less confusing.
I have changed URL's to match the redesign of Crosswinds and added more helpful links.
Your Address
- is your host
- Username is the name you used in signing for your web site
- is your site address
- This will be used for logging in, email and for correspondence(writing for help)
- Now this is all up to you.
- You signed up for this web site for a purpose.
- You must have something you want to do.
- Look around. Get ideas. Don't blatantly copy. Make it your own.
- Look in search engines for free graphic collections.
- Talk about your favorite things, pets, family or hobbies.
- Start off with simple things. As you learn more, expand your site.
- Look in search engines for free page editors and see if you can work with it.
- Your browser may have a page composer or editor to use.
- Don't violate the TOS.
- Learn HTML.
- Your skills will grow in time.
Your Site Files
- (Note: FTP is not available to 10/10 accounts.)
- Webspace Size:
- Premium is 5000+ MB
- Basic is 500+ MB
- 10/10 is 10 MB
- You may upload your files by FTP or with upload function in File Manager
- Using FTP
- FTP means file transfer protocol. A procedure to up load files to your directory or to save files to your computer
- There are several free programs. Ws_ftp and CuteFtp
- Using these programs vary from program to program. But they follow the same basic structure
- Passive transfers should be turned off in settings.
- Enter your host name -
- Enter host profile -
- Enter your username - __________
- Enter your password - *********
- Choose Auto Detect for host type
- Check remember password for easier use
- Click Apply
- Click ok
- Program will attempt log on and let you know if there are too many users or you have connected with your file directory
- Your computer files are on one side and your directory files are on the other
- You move up in files folders and directories by clicking on an arrow of two dots and clicking folders
- From here how you up load, down load, view, make sub directories or delete depends on the program instructions
- File Manager
- Log in with username and password at main page, or any Crosswinds page, then choose
File Manager from left menu. This will be where you upload all the things for your webpage.
- You will see the name of your site, how many files you have, bytes of storage used and number of files shown on this page
- A crosswinds.html file has been place here for you, to help you find your way around
- Next to this file name there is a drop down box that will let you delete or rename this file
- Next is an edit button (only found on html files) to bring up an online editor to make changes to your page
- Below is a place to create a new html file or to up load up to 10 files into your directory
- Clicking browse will bring up your computer files for you to choose your files to place in you directory
- Click submit button for when you up load or make any changes you have marked on this page
- Page control and rest button
- Subdirectory creator (Create a Folder)- type in name you want, click button and a subdirectory will be created for you
- To up load files into this subdirectory, click enter next to the name of subdirectory and it has all the aspects as main
- Clicking parent directory will return you to main directory
Basic Points To Keep in Mind
- The main page of your site should be called index.html
- You add pages to your site by creating another .html file , just use different names and link them from page to page (see HTML tutorial or page editor for linking procedure)
- Files in your main directory are linked/addressed as
- Extension being in reference to the .html, .jpg, .gif, .class,.txt.....etc.
- Create a Subdirectory by placing a name in create subdirectory box (Create a Folder) and files in this part will be referenced
- Make sure your path addresses are correct, especially if up loading from a page editor that addresses of graphics and links are not still referring to folders and files in your computer
- Crosswinds is a Unix server and there are no spaces allowed in url's or filenames.
- Up load graphics into main directory or subdirectory
- In a page editor you will have graphic insert tools
- Knowledge of HTML will allow you more ability in setting the desired effects.
Image tags
- Basic tag: <img src="filename.extension">
- With Size: <img src="filename.extension" width=n height=n>
- With Border: <img src="filename.extension" width=n height=n border=n>
- Using Alternate Tags: <img src="filename.extension" width=n height=n border=n alt="Description of Graphic or Function">
- Using Subdirectory: <img src="subdirectory/filename.extension" width=n height=n border=n alt="Description of Graphic or Function">
Broken images (images that do not appear) or an X in a location that you had placed graphics means that there is a problem with finding that image
- Check for spelling and consistent use of capitals and noncapitals
- Make sure file is in location linked, such as main directory or subdirectory
- Check that the extension is correct as .jpg or .gif
- Check actual graphic for file corruption
Your E-mail Account
- You receive a free E-mail account with your web site
Crosswinds and Other Helpful Links
Please let me know if this is understandable or what else to include. Thank You.
Tutorial and Graphic © Janet Boyd aka Bee Spit
Bee's Home Page